Monthly Archive: July 2011


Important Message for Ecommerce Webmasters

If you are running an ecommerce website and storing customers credit cards and other transactional information into your website then you must be aware about PCI Compliance. PCI is basically a security standared council...


Creating Block from controller in Magento

There are two types of blocks can be created in Magento a) Structural Block: This block usually contains the attribute ‘as’ with block tag through which the application will communicate with designated area. b)...


Why You Must Dream?

Do you agree with me that everyone must dream? I hope you will…. Because Dream is the most important part of one’s own life. Each person leads his/her life with dreams . Why is...


Best Time management Techniques

We all knows every person has 365 Days ( 52 weeks almost) in a year to live But we see only few person are able to create remark in their life within that particular...


Change logo of vbulletin forum

When we initially install vbulletin it looks something like below image Here we are seeing CMS page by default comes on screen but because most of the time our primary target is to show...


Easiest way to Re Run Magento Module setup

As a developer we guys needs to create custom modules as per our project requirement.To do this we can use ModuleCreator extenstion of magento. Let we have already created and installed a custom module...


Tips for successful life

Everybody wants to become successful in his life but only some people become successful. For happy life, there are some conditions . To become a successful person you should follow certain rules like- 1....